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Requisitos para ser Patrocinador en Inglés


Every two years, the Information Technology Company (ETI), part of Cuba's Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Group, organizes the International Meeting on Information and Communications Technology Management Systems, SIGESTIC. This year corresponds to its fourth edition, which will take place at Plaza America Convention Center, from September 10 to 14, 2023.

The event will be a space to establish and strengthen networking between professionals, scientists, entrepreneurs, government representatives, and academics; exchange experiences and best practices of success stories and generate an open dialogue on the prospects for development and collaboration, in a pleasant and motivating environment. 

We formally request your support for the successful development of SIGESTIC'23, where your collaboration will contribute to the socialization of knowledge, technical cooperation, and capacity building for the competitiveness and sustainability of the information and communications sector.

We have six modalities for sponsorship, and we encourage you to review them, and we appreciate any contribution you can provide.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 

CategoryNational SponsorInternational Sponsor
Diamond PlusOver 700 000,00 CUPOver 30 000,00 USD
DiamondUp to 700 000,00 CUPUp to 30 000,00 USD
PlatinumUp to 650 000,00 CUPUp to 20 000,00 USD
GoldUp to 500 000,00 CUPUp to 15 000,00 USD
SilverUp to 350 000,00 CUPUp to 10 000,00 USD
BronzeUp to 200 000,00 CUPUp to 5 000,00 USD

To consult the full sponsorship request, and to know the benefits in each category, access the following links, in each case corresponds to a PDF file:

Sponsorships linked to services or other material contributions may be offered. In this case, the organizing committee will evaluate, together with the sponsor, the category to be assigned.