

SIGESTIC is a biennial event that brings together specialists from different areas of knowledge with a fundamental objective: to divulge research results related to the development of management systems linked to the processes of informatization of society.

Ediciones Anteriores

 Edición 2023

The current environment demands the assumption of new and disruptive business models that add value and allow entities to differentiate themselves to achieve competitive advantages, responding in an agile and efficient way to the needs of society. Facing this challenge, and at the same time opportunity, requires moving from the transformation of digital processes or services to the generation of differentiating solutions for the configuration of an ecosystem where the convergence between technologies, innovation, and collaboration is guaranteed.         
To establish and strengthen networks between professionals, scientists, technicians, entrepreneurs, government representatives, academics, and other actors; exchange experiences and best practices of success stories, and generate an open dialogue, the Information Technology Company, part of the BioCubaFarma Business Group, invites you to participate in the 4th Meeting on Management Systems for Information and Communication Technologies, SIGESTIC 2023, which will be scheduled from September 10 to 14, 2023. The event will be held in person with the central theme: "From transformation to convergence in digital ecosystems: challenges and opportunities".

During the event, conferences, papers, and posters will be presented in four working sessions:

  • Workshop on intelligent infrastructures, emerging technologies, and cybersecurity.
  • Seminar on management systems for the development of sustainable organizations.
  • Workshop on informatization and automatization of processes.

A commercial fair will also be organized to promote a space for commercial exchange and generate business opportunities and/or partnerships with other companies in the industry. The objective is to impulse the business promotion and the direct meeting between suppliers, potential clients, and economic actors of the industry.

  • Those interested in participating in the scientific event can contact the SIGESTIC 2023 Scientific Committee by e-mail:
  • For participation as a sponsor of the event or as an exhibitor at the commercial fair, reach out to the following e-mail: 


The official language of the event is Spanish. Contributions in English and Portuguese will also be accepted.


  • March 1, 2023: Beginning contributions submission.
  • April 30, 2023: Deadline for contributions submission.
  • May 2023: Evaluation of contributions.
  • June 16, 2023: Notification of contributions acceptance.
  • August 15, 2023: Full paper submission deadline.
  • September 1, 2023: Publication of the scientific program of the event.
  • September 10 - 14, 2023: SIGESTIC 2023.


  1. It must be original and not be submitted to other events.   
  2. Be of individual authorship or co-authorship.   
  3. The limit is five (5) authors per contribution submitted.   
  4. Although the event's official language is Spanish, the paper may be written in Portuguese or English.   
  5. Each author can submit a maximum of three (3) papers for evaluation and can only be the principal author on only one (1).   
  6. If your paper is accepted and you do not wish it to be published in the memoirs of the event. Please write to the following e-mail:   


The following types of contributions will be accepted:

  • Organizational success case
  • Technical papers

Both will have a template, as appropriate.      
Those interested in sending the abstract of their contributions should do so through the event's official site.      
The acceptance of the abstracts will be subject to the evaluation of the Scientific Committee. Non-approval does not invalidate you from participating as a Delegate.      
The abstracts and the full text of the papers should be submitted in Word format using the templates designed by the Scientific Committee, in letter size pages, 2.5 cm margins, 11-point Arial font, 1.5 line spacing, and 3-point spacing between paragraphs.

For abstracts of organizational success stories:

  • Title of the paper (in Spanish and English language).
  • The abstract includes, broken down into sections and subsections, if necessary following aspects:
  • Brief description of the organization.
  • Problem or challenge that was sought to solve or take advantage of.  
  • Methodology, procedure, model, and technologies used to solve the challenge presented. 
  • The result, stage of development, and impact on the organization.
  • Other aspects considered of interest.      
  • Keywords.      
  • The maximum length should be approximately 400 words.

Organizational Success Case Summary Template

Organizational Success Case Full-Text Template

For abstracts of technical papers:      

  • Paper title (in Spanish and English language).      
  • The abstract includes, broken down into sections and subsections, if necessary following aspects:
  • Introduction.
  • Methodology and technologies used.
  • Results.
  • Conclusions.
  • Keywords (in Spanish and English language).
  • The maximum length should be approximately 400 words.   

Technical Paper Summary Template

Technical Paper Full-Text Template 

Poster Template


CategoryRegistration fee
Delegates35 000,00 CUP
Ponentes30 000,00 CUP
Students25 000,00 CUP


  • Accreditation module. 
  • Hotel accommodation. 
  • Participation in scientific activities (working sessions, master conferences, opening, and closing ceremonies). 
  • Participation in the social agenda of the general program. 
  • Free access to the Commercial Fair. 
  • Certificate for speakers and participants. 


Accommodation for national participants during the event will be at the Barceló Solymar - Occidental Arenas Blancas complex.


CategoryRegistration fee
Delegates300,00 USD
Ponentes250,00 USD
Students200,00 USD
Companions (not accredited to the event)100,00 USD


  • Accreditation module. 
  • Participation in scientific activities (working sessions, master conferences, opening, and closing ceremonies). 
  • Participation in the social agenda of the general program. 
  • Free access to the Commercial Fair. 
  • Certificate for speakers and participants. 
The registration fee for international participants does not include hotel accommodation.


To ensure your participation in SIGESTIC23, the HAVANATUR T&T TRAVEL AGENCY, receptive to the event, offers foreign participants preferential prices for events exclusively at the Meliá Internacional hotel.


Accommodation reservations should be made directly with HAVANATUR T&T TRAVEL AGENCY through the following contact:
Reinier Arredondo Despaigne 
Commercial Specialist  
Events and Incentives
TEL: (+53) 5092-3321 // 7201-9831


Participants are responsible for transportation costs from their country of origin to Cuba.


Comité Organizador

Presidente de Honor
Dr.C. Eduardo Martínez Díaz,
Presidente de OSDE BioCubaFarma
Ing. Raúl de la Nuez Morales
Secretario Ejecutivo
Ing. Adail Sariego Mazpule.
Secretario Científico
MSc. Gema Cossío Cárdenas
Secretario Comercial
Téc. Dayana Cabrera Hernández
Secretario Logística
Téc. Kadir Marrero Martínez
Lic. Aurora Pérez Rodríguez

Comité Científico

  • Coordinadores
    • MSc. Evaristo José Madarro Capó

      Jefe de Equipo de Servicios de Ciberseguridad, División de Ciberseguridad

      Coordinador del Taller infraestructuras inteligentes, tecnologías emergentes y Ciberseguridad

    • Dr.C. María Victoria Guzmán Sánchez

      Jefa del proceso de Información y Comunicación

      Coordinadora de la cartera de oportunidades de proyectos y negocios

    • MSc. María Carla Silveira Taboadela

      Dir. División de Ciberseguridad

      Coordinador del Taller

    • MSc. Tania Zulema Suris González

      Gestor de Actividades Principales del Grupo de Vigilancia e Inteligencia, Dirección de Inteligencia y Gestión de Proceso

      Coordinador del Seminario sobre sistemas de gestión para el desarrollo de organizaciones sostenibles

    • MSc. Anet Fernández Bezanilla

      Jefe de Equipo del Centro de Operaciones de Ciberseguridad, División de Ciberseguridad

      Coordinador del Taller infraestructuras inteligentes, tecnologías emergentes y Ciberseguridad

    • Ing. Yelenys Roig Méndez

      Jefe de Equipo Infraestructura de Centro de Datos, de la División de Infraestructura y Comunicaciones

      Coordinador del Taller infraestructuras inteligentes, tecnologías emergentes y Ciberseguridad.

    • Ing. Anabeysi Pérez González

      Dir. División de Sistemas Informáticos

      Coordinador del Taller de Informatización y Automatización de procesos

    • Ing. Javier Lamas

      Jefe de equipo del Grupo de I+D División de Sistemas Informáticos

      Coordinador del Taller de Informatización y Automatización de procesos

  • Miembros
    • Dr.C. Yudayly Stable Rodríguez

      Investigadora Titular / Presidenta del Consejo Científico Instituto de Información Científica Tecnológica, IDICT


    • Ing. Juan Carlos Vergara

      CEO CDE Inteligencia Competitiva S.L


    • Ing. Alexi Massó Muñoz

      Investigador y profesosr auxiliar Facultad de Matemática, UH


    • MSc. Henry Raúl González Brito

      Jefe del Dpto Docente de la carrera de Ciberseguridad Coordinador del colectivo de carrera de Ingeniería en Ciberseguridad, UCI


    • Dr.C. Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge

      Investigador Titular Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


    • Dr.C. Mónica Peña Casanova

      Decana de la Facultad 2 UCI



Ms.C . Rubén Bernardo Guzmán Mercado

IT Coordinator, Information Technology and Cybersecurity Specialist, IT Manager (Mexico). Master in Information Technology, specializing in cybersecurity, with 22 years of experience in world-class companies. Conference: DIAMOND MODEL. Workshop on Intelligent Infrastructures, Emerging Technologies, and Cybersecurity.

Ing . Fernando Aranda

CSIRT CUDI Coordinator, Mexico. Experienced director with a proven history of working in the telecommunications industry. Expert in virtualization, Linux system administration, network design, networks, and ITIL. Conference: CSIRT CUDI, EXPERIENCES IN THE MEXICAN EDUCATIONAL SECTOR. Workshop on Intelligent Infrastructures, Emerging Technologies, and Cybersecurity.

Ing . Diego Samuel Espitia

Senior Technical Consultant for CyberEx and Incident Response Senior Technical Consultant for CyberEx and Incident Response One eSecurity (Colombia). Electronic Engineer by profession, hacker by passion. 15 years of experience in cybersecurity processes. Conference: DEFENDABLE ARCHITECTURES IN ICS/OT. Workshop on Intelligent Infrastructures, Emerging Technologies, and Cybersecurity.

Lic . Cristian F. Borghello

Director Segu-Info - Information Security Consultant (Argentina). Bachelor in Systems, developer, Certified Information Systems Security Professional, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge and Cyber Security Foundation, and Microsoft MVP Security (Most Valuable Professional) for 10 years. Conference: PRACTICAL INCIDENT SIMULATION. FIND OUT HOW IT HAPPENED. Workshop on Intelligent Infrastructures, Emerging Technologies, and Cybersecurity.

Ing . Federico Pacheco

R+D+i Manager at BASE4 Security (Argentina-Spain). Cybersecurity specialist with 20 years of experience in the industry, and a degree in electronic engineering. Conference: INNOVATING IN CYBERSECURITY. Workshop on Intelligent Infrastructures, Emerging Technologies, and Cybersecurity.

Dr.C . Raydel Montesino Perurena

Rector of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), Cuba. President of the National Commission of the Cybersecurity Engineering career, of the Technical Advisory Council of the Ministry of Communications, and President of the Scientific Council of the UCI. Conference: CYBER SECURITY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Workshop on Intelligent Infrastructures, Emerging Technologies, and Cybersecurity.

Dr.C . Tatiana Delgado Fernández

Vice President of the Informatics Union of Cuba. Professor at CUJAE, Cuba. Holds a Master's degree in Optimization and Decision Making and a PhD in Technical Sciences. Coordinator of the project on Smart Cities in the National Science Program. Conference: DIGITAL TWINS IN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Workshop on Informatization and Automatization of Processes.

Dr.C . Igor Lópes Martínez

Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering, CUJAE, Cuba. Coordinator of the International Project "Strengthening Competences of Industrial Engineers in Cuba for Sustainability and Responsibility in supply chains (SCIEnC(e) 4 SuRe)" between CUJAE and TH-Wildau. Conference: INTERNATIONAL IDENTIFICATION STANDARDS AS A SUPPORT FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN. Workshop on Informatization and Automatization of Processes.

Dr.C . Nancy V. Pérez

National University of Entre Ríos, Argentina. Conference: STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE AS AN ACTIVITY WITHIN THE INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PROCESS. Seminar on Management Systems for the Development of Sustainable Organizations.

Ing . Juan Carlos Vergara Villanueva

CEO of CDE Inteligencia Competitiva S.L. Spain. Conference: TECHNOLOGICAL OBSERVATORIES - REVIEW AND BEST PRACTICES. Seminar on Management Systems for the Development of Sustainable Organizations.


About 30 kilometers long, 22 of which are beaches, Varadero is considered one of the main attractions for worldwide travelers due to its perennial tropical light, exotic vegetation, and impeccable water quality. Varadero Beach, or Playa Azul, a beautiful enclave of pink and white sand and crystal-clear water, is one of the most spectacular beaches in the world and undoubtedly the most beautiful in all of Cuba.




Sesionó Segundo Taller Pre-evento SIGESTIC23

Durante los días 23 y 24 de mayo de 2023, en el hotel Tryp Habana Libre, la Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información (ETI), desarrolló el segundo taller pre-evento SIGESTIC23. En esta ocasión, enfocado a la temática: "Tecnologías emergentes en Infraestructuras y Ciberseguridad que impulsan la transformación digital en el entorno empresarial".

Segundo Taller pre-evento SIGESTIC 2023

La Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información (ETI), perteneciente a BioCubaFarma, convoca a participar en el Taller: "Tecnologías emergentes en infraestructuras y ciberseguridad que impulsan la transformación digital en el entorno digital."

Sesionó Taller pre-evento SIGESTIC23

Durante los pasados días 18 y 19 de abril, sesionó el taller pre-evento SIGESTIC'23: "Retos y desafíos de las organizaciones en el contexto de la transformación digital".

4to Encuentro sobre Sistemas de Gestión para las TICS (Actualización)

En el presente año, el evento SIGESTIC arriba a su cuarta edición con el tema central: “De la transformación a la convergencia en ecosistemas digitales: desafíos y oportunidades”. Tomará como sede, una vez más, el Hotel Meliá Marina Varadero, Varadero, Matanzas, del 11 al 15 de septiembre de 2023.

Lanzamiento de soluciones informáticas

En el marco del taller pre-evento de SIGESTIC23: “Retos y desafíos de las organizaciones en el contexto de la transformación digital”, el próximo 19 de abril de 2023, en el Salón Solidaridad del Hotel Tryp Habana Libre, a partir de las 2:00 PM, se realizará el lanzamiento oficial de cuatro nuevas soluciones informáticas desarrollados por este equipo de profesionales de la ETI.

Taller pre-evento SIGESTIC23

La ETI convoca a participar en el Taller: "Retos y desafíos de las organizaciones en el contexto de la transformación digital.", que sesionará durante los días 18 y 19 de abril de 2023, a partir de las 9:00AM, en el salón Solidaridad, del hotel Tryp Habana Libre.

Segunda Convocatoria para el 4to Encuentro SIGESTIC23

La Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información, perteneciente al Grupo Empresarial BioCubaFarma convoca a participar en el 4to Encuentro sobre Sistemas de Gestión para las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, SIGESTIC 2023, que sesionará en el hotel Meliá Marina Varadero, Matanzas, entre los días 11 y 15 de septiembre de 2023.

4to Encuentro sobre Sistemas de Gestión para las TICS

SIGESTIC arriba a su cuarto encuentro. La invitación queda abierta, asegurándole que en este 2023 podrá acercarse a los conocimientos más actualizados en materia de #TICs. Si viaja a SIGESTIC23, viaja ABuenPuerto.

Primera Convocatoria para el 4to Encuentro SIGESTIC23

La ETI convoca a participar en el 4to Encuentro sobre Sistemas de Gestión para las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, SIGESTIC 2023, que sesionará entre los días 11 y 15 de septiembre de 2023.

Convocan al 4to Encuentro sobre Sistemas de Gestión para las TICS, Sigestic 2023

La Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información, de BioCubaFarma, convoca a participar en el cuarto Encuentro sobre Sistemas de Gestión para las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, Sigestic 2023, que se desarrollará en Varadero, Matanzas, entre el 11 y 15 de septiembre de este año.